Roska on Luksusta / Trash Is Luxury

Timo P. Vartiainen: Roska on Luksusta / Trash Is Luxury

Completion year: 2018
Technique: Installation
Size: 125 cm x 200 cm
Edition: 1
Keywords: timo vartiainen, ympäristötaide, arkeologia, kierrätystaide, luonto, valokuva, installaatio, esine, ekologinen taide, ilmastonmuutos
Detail of environmental work TRASH IS LUXURY, Dumpster Diving in the Anthropocene. Helsinki Art Museum, 2018.

The starting point of the work is a series of rubbish archaeological excursions made by the artist in the Helsinki metropolitan area, which focus on mixed waste, metal and glass waste in the yards of housing companies.

The excursions were made on the celebration days 2017, when Finland turned 100 years old.

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