Kaisa Annika Halonen

Basic information

b. 1996, Vantaa
Residence: Helsinki

Contact information

Artist’s Statement

I started my art studies in Liminka Art School in 2016 I graduated as a Fine artist (amk) in 2021 in Lappeenranta. I use artmaking as a way of remembering what has happened, what I wish would happen and a way of understanding things around me. I do this either making big colorful abstract works or darker, almost completely black, more figurative works. My main material is acrylic paints. I never plan my paintings too much, the best things always come unplanned.
My biggest inspiration and role model in life and art is Tove Jansson. All her works, books, paintings, Moomins, have brought me joy, fulfillment and feeling of safety, since childhood. I aspire to feel same joy in my own works as I feel in hers. Art is my way of achieving enjoyment and deeper connection to everyday life.

Current information

6.-28.1.2023 Galleria Uusikuva Satamakatu 9, 48100 Kotka