Hyvä maa / The Good Country

Savu E. Korteniemi: Hyvä maa / The Good Country

Completion year: 2021
Technique: animated video work
Size: 14:07
Keywords: Savu E. Korteniemi, Simi Ruotsalainen, Hyvä maa, The Good Country, animaatio, videoteos, dokumentti, fiktiivinen, tositapahtumat, juutalaispakolaiset, Suomi, toinen maailmansota, piikkilanka, Prosessi / Der Prozess
In the time of 2nd World War hundreds of thousands Jews and others persecuted by nazi-Germany were forced to leave their homes and seek refuge from foreigh countries. Some of them ended up in Finland.

The story is based on historical facts, experiences and memories by real people but characters and names are fictional.

The video work has been created as a part of the project "Prosessi / Der Prozess".

Subtitles are in English.