Unelmahaastatteluja / Dream Interviews ©2015

Anu Miettinen: Unelmahaastatteluja / Dream Interviews ©2015

Completion year: 2015
Technique: video interviews
Keywords: unelmat, dreams, video, haastattelut, interviews
Anu Miettinen: The Dream Interviews - series, Compilation III (2015) on Vimeo. The video series were presented in Berlin, Porvoo, Helsinki, Lahti and Pori.

The Dream Interviews

The interviews explore our relationship with dreams, but they also examine other things: how dreams can come true, work, everyday life, disappointments and what it means to abandon a goal. In 2013 and 2015, I interviewed people in Finland, Sweden and Berlin; in 2015, the interviewees were mainly female immigrants. The project aims to approach different groups and generate interaction outside the sphere of everyday life by discussing personal hopes and dreams. Meeting people and sharing their experiences can create understanding and trust across cultures and backgrounds. This is particularly important when the difference can be perceived as a suspect in these troubled times. I aim to highlight and give voice to people whose predicament and everyday life often remain unrecognised.

The Dream artwork consists of documentary video interviews and black and white photos and texts translated into English. A catalogue was published of some of the interviews.

The exhibitions were supported by: Konstsamfundet, Uusimaa Fund of the Finnish Culture Fund, Visek.

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