Sharing skins

Miia Kettunen: Sharing skins

Completion year: 2022
Technique: FHD Video work
Duration: 3:03
Keywords: Miia Kettunen, Sharing skins, video work, trees, videoteos, puut
The short video Sharing skins originates from the urge to understand how to connect and encounter the realm of the trees? The human body is seen as a vessel for human consciousness but does a tree have consciousness and where does it reside? As the name suggests, the artwork refers to sharing a skin with another, which evokes a thought of perceiving a tree as a tree-bodily being communicating in its manner with the nearby human body. In the video, the animations of different 3D scanned trees are portals inside the tree transporting skins into nesting and separating. The work asks if the encounter occurs in a meditative state of parallel existence, which is eventually easy to experience for one walking with open senses in the presence of the trees?