Ruokapöytäkeskusteluja / Table Discussions

Maria Huhmarniemi: Ruokapöytäkeskusteluja / Table Discussions

installation (dining tables, crocheted tablecloths, interviews, Mini-disc-players, and bowls used as speakers.) Article (In witch I explore the argumentations that nature conversations organizations have toward vegetarian and local food. Article was published in Finnish culture magazine Kaltio.)

In Table Discussions I am dealing with climate change, food culture, and eating habits and their influence on the greenhouse effect. Round dining tables are the symbols of the earth. Crocheted tablecloths that have shapes of trees and blood vessels symbolize the earth's lungs. There is also a sound installation in bowls on the table. You can listen to discussion in which vegetarians, people with other alternative eating habits and amateur gardeners talk about their diet and ethical criteria involved in it. In one of the bowls there is a recording in which they describe what they usually eat. In another one they explain how they try to reduce their effect on climate change through their food choices. The third recording contains explanations about their exceptions in their diet and way of life. It is estimated that one third of the private consumers' environmental impact comes from food consumption.