Tunnemuodot / Forms of Feelings, Seinäjoen taidehalli

Anna-Lea Kopperi: Tunnemuodot / Forms of Feelings, Seinäjoen taidehalli

Completion year: 2018
Technique: Participatory installation, Tissue textile, rubber bands, clothespins, marker pens, scissors
Size: vaihteleva
Keywords: yhteisötaide, tilataide, installaatio, vuorovaikutus, valkoinen, musta, kirjoittaminen, osallistaminen, kateharso, kuminauha, tunne, muoto
The participants close their eyes and recognize their own main feeling at the moment. They ponder on what kind of form their feeling has and cut the form of their feeling from the tissue textile. They write their feeling on the tissue textile and hang it into the daily growing installation with clothespins to swing under the air ventilator.

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