Tunnetila / Room of Feelings, Seinäjoen taidehalli

Anna-Lea Kopperi: Tunnetila / Room of Feelings, Seinäjoen taidehalli

Completion year: 2018
Technique: Installation in space, synthetic wool, tissue textiles, sounds of birds and instruments
Size: vaihteleva
Keywords: yhteisötaide, tilataide, installaatio, vuorovaikutus, ihminen, valkoinen, osallistaminen, rentoutuminen, lepo, taivas, pilvi, leikki, kateharso, tunne, tila
Room of Feelings is a space filled with white synthetic wool and sounds. The visitor crawls and relaxes on the white cotton clouds and listens to the singing of birds. The soft space sensitizes different senses and arouses many feelings. The artwork invites to take off your shoes and to step into a different reality: to touch the softness of the synthetic wool, to jump into the clouds, to close the eyes from the world outside and to concentrate on the white state of being. On the mountains of cotton there arises also cotton fights. The mountains and the feelings move on into new locations.

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