Onnellisten ideoiden kollektiivinen kokoelma / Collective Collection of Happy Ideas

Anna-Lea Kopperi: Onnellisten ideoiden kollektiivinen kokoelma / Collective Collection of Happy Ideas

Completion year: 2010
Technique: participatory process and happening to collect ideas
Keywords: abstrakti, käsitetaide, tilataide, magneetti, peili, kirjoittaminen, neliö, ihminen, osallistuminen, onnellinen, ajatus
Delivery and collection of 100 numbered mirror pieces, 3 x 10 x 10 cm, painted with blackboard paint, numbered, supplied with a white chalk.

The thoughts of people are collected by delivering the mirror pieces as a chain from person to person. The collection of happy ideas happens by people gathering together to tell their own idea as a part of installation and reflection with ideas of others. Everyone gets the own mirror peace back for own use.

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