Rule the World

Minna Suoniemi: Rule the World

Valmistumisvuosi: 2016
Tekniikka: HD video, prores422
Editio: 1/3
Avainsanat: Videotaide, Video Art, Girl, Youth, Forest, Teen culture
2 mina 35 s
Rule the World portrays a teenage girl standing seemingly still surrounded by a forest. She has a masked bite wound on her neck and her face seems tense. Micro expressions on her face are changing rapidly. The soundtrack is a composition with the same title by 15-year-old Elsa Pursio. The fast electronic beat contradicts the stillness of the image. In Rule the World, the evil played by and existing in a child is present as an endless stillness, waiting for life to begin – the wage and confused feeling of power, which she can’t fully control.

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