Toinen Valssi / Second Waltz

Minna Suoniemi: Toinen Valssi / Second Waltz

Valmistumisvuosi: 2013
Tekniikka: HD video, prores422
Editio: 2/3
Avainsanat: Videoteos, videoinstallaatio, historia, perhesuhteet, valssi, isä, personal history
SECOND WALTZ, 2-Channel Video Installation, Dur 5'25", 2013

Original music: Susanna Jauhiainen
Second Waltz is a two –Channel Video Installation portraying a Father and adult daughter dancing a Waltz and a folk Music croup playing a piece by Susanna Jauhiainen. The location, Näsilinna Neo Baroque Castle in Tampere, plays a significant role in the video. A Finlayson factory owner’s son built this grand castle also called Milavida as a home for his family in 1898. The castle holds a tragic history as the family never lived in it – the mother died in the birth of her baby twins, the father died a month later with infection. Four children remained orphans. Later during the Finnish civil war the castle saw severe fighting scenes and the marks of the horrors can still be seen in bullet holes and blood marks in the building. With the historic background I conducted a scene as an hommage to my Father and those who came before me.

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