Äänioikeudettomuus. Kohtaamisia. Kuvia ja sanoja. / Disenfranchised. Encounters. Images and words.

Minna Väisänen: Äänioikeudettomuus. Kohtaamisia. Kuvia ja sanoja. / Disenfranchised. Encounters. Images and words.

Completion year: 2014
Technique: Performance

    Helsinki. Kolmen sepän aukio Narinkkatorin ympäristö Tallinnanaukio Jakomäenaukion ympäristö   Jyväskylä. Kauppakadun kävelykatu     I encountered passers-by in several public places before the EU elections in May 2014. To the people who stopped to participate in my artwork I gave the following instructions:   "Imagine that you don't have the right to vote. Write a description of or draw an image which comes to your mind. You don't necessarily have to tell me whether you are entitled to vote or not." I changed Finnish for e.g. English whenever needed.   Some of the people had a conversation with me. Some of the people drew or wrote. Some both drew and wrote. Some were just looking at the entries made by others.   The events have not been documented on any visual or audio devices.   The image above shows the notebook used in the performances.