Musta, harmaa, valkoinen / Black, grey, white

Minna Väisänen: Musta, harmaa, valkoinen / Black, grey, white

Completion year: 2012
Technique: Drawings
Size: 29,7 x 21 cm
I have drawn three series of human situations. There are three shades of gray in the drawings. The themes of the images are personal space, encounters and being solitary.

FACES. I have drawn a series of faces. The mouths and eyes are dark grey. The faces are as masks.

HANDSHAKERS. I have drawn a series of women shaking hands. The areas between the bodies are colored with dark grey.

SLEEPERS. I have drawn a series of sleeping persons. The characters are white.

Black, grey, white. Absolute darkness, safe shade of everyday, a calm light. All of us in between.