Keho, tunne ja tila / Bodies, feelings & space

Minna Väisänen: Keho, tunne ja tila / Bodies, feelings & space

Completion year: 2001
Technique: Photography
My photography series "Bodies, feelings & space" is a series about physicality, spatial experience and feelings.

During the project I photographed both female bodies and cut flowers which I combined with architectonic drawings. As a theoretical background to the project I used postmodern theory and women´s and lesbian studies which open dualistic theory about division of nature and culture to question ( Helene Cixous, Judith Butler, Maurice Merleau-Ponty etc.). During the process I was also interested whether women have a special way of experiencing space physically or is it possible to take pictures of a woman´s body without making the model look like an object.

For the last photographs of the series I continued photographing female bodies and flowers but did not continue using architectonic drawings any longer. With concentrating only on natural costructions I wanted to represent the disappearing of clear shapes and wanted to give more space to organic shapes. Thus the series can be seen as an attempt to merge the boundaries of nature and culture.

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